Jan 22, 2010

our Pandora

This may be too late to talk about "AVATAR" the big-great-beautiful-awesome-3d movie. But i think, there's no "too late" for something good ,right?

Most of ppl who watch this movie want to be there in Pandora [a planet which has the different atmosphere, creatures, plants but everything has a pure nature soul and link to each other in the beautiful way] and feel bad with our planet nowaday.

But for me, after watch this movie, i feel very sad b'cos i realized that once we(human) have had 'our Pandora' and we destroyed it by our hand!

Anyway, thanks the mother nature, there's still something left til now, something that beautiful, something that still help and be with us, something that not different from Pandora. Let's have a look,,,

USA Australia Ecuador Papua New Guinea Italy Indonesia
USA Ghana

So,do not just blame, do not just hope to be there in Pandora. It still has such a wonderful things here. Stop harming, start a conservation and re-create our planet, 'our Pandora' back again.
[Thanks to James Cameron and every casts and crews who work for this one of the best movie i've ever seen. more about AVATAR : AVATAR official website , Pandorapedia
The pictures from Corbis]


Unknown said...

biggest post ever!

dnop said...

like this post wa joke :D

Phukan said...

It's awesomeeee!

Anonymous said...

yes it's something 'we(human) once have had' and that is the true sad part about it.

ปลาย่างไหม้ๆ said...

Joke, I see U.

David said...

great post!!! :_D

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