Dec 31, 2010

hny2011 : funny bunny year!

Dec 10, 2010

illustration friday : PREHISTORIC

in prehistoric, no light, more fear.

Dec 6, 2010

Buddhadasa Indapanno Archives "in my book"

peaceful feeling among the modern architecture
and the permanent exhibition that concept about
'try touching nirvana.' ,really cool!

(visit by yourself at Wachirabenjatat Garden(Suan-rod-fai),
Jatujak, Bangkok

Jul 21, 2010

shanghai in my book

4 days in Shanghai, China
(include World Expo 2010!!)

Jul 5, 2010

illustration friday : GIANT

"they don't play with me, they say i'm a giant."

Mar 29, 2010

illustration friday : RESCUE

it's not how big you rescue, just the heart that want to do is enough.

Mar 9, 2010

illustration friday : BRAVE

sometimes, do not know something makes us 'brave'.

Feb 16, 2010

happy meal

i made breakfast boxset for my mom on her birthday ^^
(but it's not delicious at all, she said hahahah)

Feb 1, 2010

mr. sea

the sea is always the sea.
the sea is always beautiful.
how much the sea is beautiful,
how much the happiness we have.
anyway, the sea is always beautiful.
cos the sea is always the sea.

Jan 28, 2010

let the nature fulfill

O wind,
O pretty lovely wind
come through me
and take away the city sin
birds and bugs and leaves are keep singing
mountains and clouds make the sound of whispering
thanks, thanks everything
for all the happiness you're putting in

Jan 22, 2010

our Pandora

This may be too late to talk about "AVATAR" the big-great-beautiful-awesome-3d movie. But i think, there's no "too late" for something good ,right?

Most of ppl who watch this movie want to be there in Pandora [a planet which has the different atmosphere, creatures, plants but everything has a pure nature soul and link to each other in the beautiful way] and feel bad with our planet nowaday.

But for me, after watch this movie, i feel very sad b'cos i realized that once we(human) have had 'our Pandora' and we destroyed it by our hand!

Anyway, thanks the mother nature, there's still something left til now, something that beautiful, something that still help and be with us, something that not different from Pandora. Let's have a look,,,

USA Australia Ecuador Papua New Guinea Italy Indonesia
USA Ghana

So,do not just blame, do not just hope to be there in Pandora. It still has such a wonderful things here. Stop harming, start a conservation and re-create our planet, 'our Pandora' back again.
[Thanks to James Cameron and every casts and crews who work for this one of the best movie i've ever seen. more about AVATAR : AVATAR official website , Pandorapedia
The pictures from Corbis]

Jan 18, 2010

mr. oldy projector

i went to Phra-athit rd. last Saturday. there is 'French open air cinema'. but one thing that take my attention from the film is this old film projector. hahaha i like to look at the film that's keep rolling and especially listen to the sound of it ,,,tak,, tak,, tak,, tak,,, ^^
(anyway, the film is also cool too : Les Chansons d'Amour by Christophe Honore(2007))

Jan 13, 2010

a hug

Jan 10, 2010

illustration friday : CONFINED

this is my first time in illustration friday.
does it work? ^^

more information about illustration friday

Jan 7, 2010


"You are what you see-or how you see" - Tricia Guild
ถ้าอย่างนั้นแล้ว เราลองมอง-เห็นสิ่งต่างๆในด้านที่ดีกันดีมั้ย?
อะไรที่ไม่ดี ก็ปล่อยเบลอบ้าง มัวบ้าง

"You are what you see-or how you see" - Tricia Guild
so, why don't you try to see things in the 'good' side?
anything bad, try to make it blur
cause, how much you see thing bad
it's back at you

see more about Tricia's work >>
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